Wednesday, October 21, 2015

First Track Test

We set up the track and started testing the new height and curve. It's a little bigger than last year. I evened out the lift hill because I decided not to connect the track into a complete circle. Two reasons: one, I wanted parents to be able to come in and take photos, and two, in case it rains, I want people to be able to come into the little horseshoe area and stay dry. The test looks good and the little vehicle makes it's way down the curved hill no problem, even with little ol' me. Lil 200+ lbs me.

The bottom pic is funny to me because it's right after I told Annie I think it will hold two people around the turn. I'll post a couple links of video of Annie making a short solo test run in her pajamas.

Updated with the evened out dispatch

First two rider test

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